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Domain Name, Domain, Domain Name

A domain name (English: Domain Name), also known as a domain or domain name, is a name composed of a series of names separated by dots, which represents a specific computer or group of computers on the Internet, used to identify the electronic location of the computer during data transmission (sometimes referring to geographical location). DNS (Domain Name System, sometimes simply referred to as a domain) is a core service of the Internet, serving as a distributed database that maps domain names to IP addresses, allowing easier access to the Internet without needing to remember the strings of IP addresses that machines can directly read.
For example, is a domain name that corresponds to the IP address DNS acts like an automatic phone book, allowing us to call the name of Wikipedia instead of the phone number (IP address). After we directly call the name of the webpage, DNS will convert a name like that is easy for humans to use into an IP address like that is easier for machines to recognize.

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